Wednesday, 18 January 2012


January 12, 2012

A teenage pregnant mother has been accused of battering her six-month-old baby so badly that his bones were broken 15 times.

Ruth Zuluaga, 19, who is two months pregnant, was arrested after her son was found to have the breaks in 13 of his bones; including six ribs, all three major bones in his right arm, the right femur and both legs.

Her boyfriend Josue Cubero – who is not the boy’s father – called for an ambulance when he noticed the baby’s arm was limp at their home in Barre, Massachusetts last month.
The baby was taken to the University of Massachusetts Medical Center in Worcester for treatmentreports the Telegram and Gazette.

It was here, over two weeks, doctors discovered what police called ‘a multitude of injuries that, even individually, are not spontaneous in nature.’

The injuries were in various stages of healing, doctors told police, reports reports the Telegram and Gazette.

Mr Cubero, who referred to the boy as his step-son, told police he never saw Zuluaga, who has been hospitalised for mental problems three times, harm the child.

But at the time her son was taken in for treatment, Zuluaga herself was in hospital for making ‘self-harming’ statements, the report states.

The state Department of Children and Families took custody of the baby.
With a warrant out for her arrest for harming her child, Zuluaga was released from hospital and returned home on Tuesday to allegedly attack her boyfriend with an eight inch knife and threaten to cut herself.

Mr Cubero was forced to call the police again and she was charged with assault and battery, assault with a dangerous weapon, permitting injury to a child and permitting substantial injury to a child.

Mr Cubero said he was introduced to Zuluaga when she was discharged from a mental hospital.
She had been living in a shelter and he invited her to move in with him.

Both he and Zuluaga told police  that she is the primary caretaker for the child and Mr Cubero is never alone with him.

She was arraigned yesterday in Western Worcester District Court and was ordered to be held on $50,000 bail.

Zuluaga is due to appear in court on February 7 for a pretrial hearing.


Monday, 9 January 2012


Carmela Dela Rosa, a 50-year-old Virginia woman was charged with murder Tuesday after she allegedly picked up her 2-year-old granddaughter (Angelyn Ogdoc) and threw her off a 5th story walkway last November like a 'piece of trash' at Tysons Corner Center, Virginia state's largest mall in the busy holiday shopping season.

A walkway, top, is seen at the Tysons Corner Center shopping mall in McLean, Va. 
The inset photo provided by Fairfax County, Va., Police Department shows Carmela Dela Rosa. (AP Photo)

The toddler died after landing on the pavement below. According to Fairfax County authorities, Dela Rosa, the toddler and other family members were walking across the walkway leading from Tysons Corner Center Monday when Dela Rosa allegedly picked the toddler up and then threw her over the guard rail. The child fell about 50 feet to the pavement below. The child died hours later at a nearby hospital. 

 Source :,,

Three-Year-Old Girl BEAT UP By Two-Year-Old Girl At Nursery

Nursery / Pre-school should be fun and happy for our child. But this little Katie Ann Guttridge  (age 3 - same age as my young daughter) was beaten by the 2 years old girl! She was left with three bite marks on her face, a damaged eye socket and scratches. So what the staff doing? Incident reports written by staff show she had attacked Katie three times before the latest onslaught. They are all (staff) understand this little girl has behavioural problems. She is out of control and they don’t seem able to cope. I still wonder why don't they tried to inform the 2 years old girl's parents and telling them that they can't controlled they child & did not accept her for the safety purpose of the other child? Now, look & see...

I don't want this happens to my child...poor little Katie. Luckily you are still alive my dear, the Nursery is sucks!!!

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